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Sous la direction de

Sébastien Bully, Morana Čaušević-Bully, Stéphane Gioanni

St Peter of Osor (Island of Cres)
and Benedictine monasticism
in the Adriatic area

Parution : 09/04/2024 Collection de l’École française de Rome 615 Rome : École française de Rome, 2024
272 p., ill. coul.
ISBN : 978-2-7283-1804-9

  • Disponible

This book gathers the proceedings of the international round-table Saint-Pierre d'Osor et le monachisme bénédictin dans l'espace adriatique held in 2018 at Osor on the island of Cres (Croatia), which marked the culmination of twelve archaeological campaigns (2006-2017). The aim of this meeting was to present and contextualise, on a broad geographical and chronological scale, our knowledge of the monastery of St Peter and Benedictine monasticism in the Adriatic, whose importance in the reform of the Church in the 11th century was magnified by the Camaldolese Annals in the 18th century. This multi-disciplinary study of St Peter of Osor and its representations allows us to compare the available sources (archaeological, literary and archival) and to renew our understanding of the island monastery, its presumed foundation by Gaudentius, bishop of Osor and then monk at the Porto Novo monastery in Ancona, and its role in the implementation of the reform. It also sheds new light on Benedictine expansion, the spread of monastic culture, artistic transfers, the movement of people and networks of sociability between the shores of the Adriatic. Finally, it examines the dialogue between archaeology and history.

With the contributions of Diego Calaon, Pascale Chevalier, Danijel Ciković, Emanuela Elba, Miljenko Jurković, Federico Marazzi, Iva Marić, Ana Marinković, Marina Miladinov-Schumann, Jadranka Neralić, Vivien Prigent, Stefano Riccioni, Nikolina Uroda, Franjo Velčić.

Sous la direction de

Sébastien Bully

Sébastien Bully est chercheur au CNRS – UMR ARTEHIS-Université de Bourgogne.

Morana Čaušević-Bully

Morana Čaušević-Bully est maîtresse de conférences à l’université de Franche-Comté – UMR Chrono-environnement. 

Stéphane Gioanni

Stéphane Gioanni, ancien membre et directeur des études de l’École française de Rome, est professeur à l’université Lyon 2 et directeur du laboratoire Histoire et Sources des Mondes antiques. Ses recherches portent sur les pratiques de l’écrit ecclésiastique (IVe-XIe s.) en Provence, Italie et Dalmatie.

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